Back to Base Security Systems South Eastern Sydney

Botany Bay is certainly not the convict hub of Australia any more! South Eastern Sydney is a mix of beautiful historic areas along with some higher density areas where crime can be rife. No matter your exact address in this part of the city, a solid South Eastern Sydney security system can help you sleep soundly and leave your home secure.

South Eastern Sydney Security System Recommendations

In designing a South Eastern Sydney security system, we need to consider:

High risk areas: Some of the suburbs in this part of Sydney show a very high proportion of the break and enters and ‘steal from dwelling’ offences for the region. Homes in these areas should ask us about extra South Eastern Sydney security system measures:

  • All of Surry Hills and Redfern
  • The northern part of Ultimo
  • The western section of Darlinghurst
  • Areas of Forest Lodge, Zetland and Alexandria in the vicinity of the train stations

Personal security: With the high density living of much of South Eastern Sydney, you’ll need to incorporate personal security measures into your protection plan. We can do this with security pendants, heat/smoke/carbon monoxide detectors and phone line cut off detectors in addition to your regular back to base alarm.

Is Your South Eastern Sydney Home REALLY Protected?

Given the broad mix of demographics, high and low crime spots in South Eastern Sydney, it pays to look at home security from all angles. In designing your total South Eastern Sydney security system, don’t forget:

  • To make it easy for guards and police to respond to an activation of your alarm by making your street number visible from the street and at night, as well as clearing a path of vision to your home from the street.
  • Display your South Eastern Sydney security system warning signs – we’ll provide you with these when you sign up for alarm monitoring. It’s far better to deter people entering your home in the first place than risk your personal safety.
  • If you live in an apartment, ensure your balcony is secured with the same measures as your front door. Even if you have complex-wide security measures like intercoms and access codes, you shouldn’t leave a South Eastern Sydney security system out of your strategy!


We offer a FREE initial consultation to help design your South Eastern Sydney security system – contact us today to book yours!