Why Get a Security System? Lane Cove Crime Hotspots
Lane Cove is quite a stable part of Sydney to live. You have probably had the same neighbours for many years and never really seen trouble in your street. Lane Cove is a lucky suburb with quite a low crime rate – yet there are some real hotspots for burglaries and stealing from houses.
You’ll definitely need a Lane Cove security system if you live in these crime hotspots:
- The eastern part of Greenwich, closer to Crow’s Nest, where a massive 33% of Lane Cove security system alarms come from.
- The southern part of Lane Cove West, in the areas around Ludowici Reserve, and Blackman Park as well as surrounding the junction of Burns Bay Road and Centennial Ave.
- Residences around the major intersection of the Pacific Highway and the Lane Cove Tunnel.
- Area of Northwood south of the Lane Cove Country Club and around Kelly’s Esplanade.
There were also 42 cases of stealing from a dwelling, and 142 cases of malicious damage to property in 2010. In the majority of cases where these homes were fitted with Lane Cove security systems, the damage was minimal and there was no personal injury. In many cases, the Lane Cove security system activation actually scared away the intruder.
Most of the suburbs in the Lane Cove local government area really have it all – beach lifestyle, easy access to the city and shopping opportunities. A Lane Cove security system will help protect all those things you love and keep the shine on your lifestyle!
Lane Cove Community Safety Initiatives
In keeping with its position at the centre of Sydney’s action, the Lane Cove City Council is quite progressive when it comes to safety! Take advantage of the following strategies and tools that add to your home safety, along with a Lane Cove security system:
- The Snap, Send, Solve app for iPhone and Android can be used to get a picture of something that requires council attention (which may be a home security issue), and instantly forward it to council.
- Ask for graffiti removal by council to deter further criminal activity in the area.
- The Safer By Design program, which recognises that environmental design can contribute to crime rates. If there is a known crime hotspot near you where visibility is poor, contact council about it.
Suggested Instructions for Lane Cove Security System Owners
After your Lane Cove security system has been installed, we need to create a response plan. This can include any of the following actions:
- Contact the Chatswood police station with the location of the intrusion to your property, and the fact that the alarm has been verified as genuine rather than an accidental activation.
- Dispatch a guard to secure your premises. If the guard arrives first, he can update the police with news that the break-in is genuine for immediate response.
- Contact your nominated phone number to let you know about the Lane Cove security system activation, though we do not recommend you attend at home in person for your safety.
Keep your laid back lifestyle … install a Lane Cove security system to keep the burgs away. You can get a FREE, no-obligation quote from us and start being protected by your system in as little as a few days. Call today!