Why Get a Security System? Crime in Penrith
Way out at the end of the M4, everywhere you look in Penrith you’ll see the gum forests and smell the freshness of the West Glenbrook Reserve. It can be a little isolated – and that is why it is critical for Penrith homeowners to have somebody to call on if they’re in trouble.
A Penrith security system is the smart way to ensure that you’re protected, especially if you live in one of the following crime hotspots in Penrith identified by BOCSAR:
- Streets to the east and west of Parker street, south of the Great Western Hwy. and north of Jamison Rd.
- All homes within a 500m radius of the Werrington train station
- Streets around the intersection of the Great Western Hwy and Mamre Rd in St Marys
- The residential area in North St Marys, to the north east of Glossop St
- The long streets south of Coreen Ave and north of Hig St
- All streets with Nepean Rugby Park to their west
There were also 560 cases of stealing from a dwelling, and 2802 cases of malicious damage to property – these Penrith crime hotspots are extremely active, and if you live in one your best and only true method of protection is a Penrith security system.
Penrith Community Safety Initiatives
Penrith City Council offers a selection of community initiatives aimed at empowering communities to look after their own safety. Despite the high levels of break and enters, however, many of these initiatives are not aimed at households. You can access:
- Educational packs and information from your council about ‘target hardening’.
- For businesses, the NRMA Bizsafe pack is distributed
Take matters into your own hands and use your Penrith security system and monitoring company to ensure your safety.
Suggested Instructions for Penrith Security System Owners
Once you’ve had your Penrith security system installed you can almost breathe easy! Make sure you leave instructions with your monitoring company that reflect best practices. We recommend simultaneous notification of:
- Police from the Penrith station
- The nominated contact person from the household
- With immediate dispatch of a Pacific Security Technology guard, both for police backup or to secure the scene in case there is a delay with law enforcement.
With Nepean River and Blue Moutains views, Penrith can be a beautiful place to live. It will feel as tranquil as it appears, once you’ve installed your Penrith security system – get a FREE quote today!