Why Get a Security System? Crime in Pittwater

Most home in Pittwater are out on the peninsula or by the point – a beautiful beach lifestyle which, unfortunately for scores of home every year, is ruined by the stress, expense and danger of a home invasion. There are some quite well defined hotspots for crime in this small local government area, and if your house falls in one you will definitely need to install a Pittwater security system or CCTV camera system:

  • Streets to the northwest of Newport Park, bordered by Irrubel Rd and Gladstone St
  • Streets adjoining Raymond Rd in Bilgola
  • Streets to the south of the reserve adjoining Cabbage Tree Rd in Mona Vale
  • Streets to the North of North Narrabeen Reserve in Warriewood
  • Streets adjoining Kalang Rd in Elanora Heights


 There were also 104 cases of stealing from a dwelling, and 500 cases of malicious damage to property. However, Pittwater is not an area with many criminals or determined burglars; the crime rate is actually quite low. You can very effectively protect yourself with a Pittwater security system!

Pittwater Community Safety Initiatives

Although the burden of crime on Pittwater homes is fairly light, if you’ve had personal experience of a break-in you’ll appreciate some of the council initiatives to support individual home security systems in Pittwater. These include:

  • A CCTV camera system network focusing on areas like the Mona Vale Library, Memorial Hall and Customer Service Centre, the Newport Community Centre and Avalon Recreation Centre. These may help track offenders if they escape without detainment after your Pittwater security system has been activated.
  • The Pittwater Villages Safety Working Party will hear suggestions from residents for safety improvement and support for individual Pittwater security systems.
  • Rapid removal of graffiti policy, to help discourage malicious damage to property

Suggested Instructions for Pittwater Security System Owners

It’s D-Day. You have finally had your Pittwater security system installed, and now you need to give it the power to protect you properly, through the right instructions for your monitoring company on alarm activation. We recommend that your instructions to use comprise all of the following, in case your Pittwater house alarm is activated:

  • We contact the closest of the Mona Vale, Dee Why or Frenchs Forest police stations to attend the scene.
  • A guard is dispatched from our head office to protect your family and home, and detain an offender if necessary.
  • Our office will continuously attempt to contact you on all of your provided phone numbers.

Living in Pittwater is like living in a summer holiday – don’t allow that feeling to be destroyed, get a FREE quote for installation of your Pittwater security system today!