In this age of Wifi, internet access via the 3G network, iPhones and tablet computers, more and more people are getting rid of their landline phones. We know that it can be expensive to keep a landline phone in additional to having four mobile phones in a four-person household … but there are some very good reasons that you shouldn’t get rid of it! From facilitating alarm monitoring services to getting better internet rates, we check out why landline phones can help keep your family grounded.
Flexible, Reliable Alarms and Alarm Monitoring Services
Most good house alarm systems dial via a landline connection to alert the security alarm monitoring company. It is possible to get alarms which dial via a 3G connection, but your choice of models is more limited. Additionally, you are subject to 3G signal coverage issues, which adds an element of uncertainty into your alarm monitoring service. These alarms have excellent backup systems, but nothing can beat a fixed line for reliability.
Faster and Cheaper Internet!
Naked DSL and wireless broadband are widely available, but with many internet service providers these options either come with slower connection speeds, or with higher price tags attached. Of course, there’s no sense paying an extra $50 phone bill to save $20 on your internet … but there are other cost savings! See below…
Cheaper Alarm Monitoring Services
Good models of back to base alarm will make test phone calls at regular intervals to us at Pacific Security Technology, to let us know that there is nothing wrong with the connection and if you need help, you’ll get it. However, if you don’t have an active landline to the house, your call costs will be higher via the 3G network.
It Never Runs Out of Battery
Your landline phone will work even in power outages, and never runs out of battery. This means that you’ll always have access to your phone when you need it … what happens if you lose power while your mobile phone only has one bar of battery power left?
No Unexpected Dropouts
If you’ve ever waited on hold to your electricity company for 30 minutes and then had your mobile phone signal drop out, you’ll understand the value of having a landline available when you need it!
They’re Hard to Lose!
You may beg to differ if you have a cordless landline phone … but choose an old-fashioned corded phone, and you won’t have signal issues or be able to lose your handset.
Leveraging Different Call Costs
At times, it may be cheaper for you to call an interstate relative on your mobile – especially if they are on the same network as you. If they aren’t on your network or you plan to talk longer than the number of free minutes you get, your landline may be cheaper. Having both available can save you money by leveraging the different costs!
Precise Location in an Emergency
IF you use your landline phone to call 000 in an emergency, it will display the actual physical address for 000. However, mobile phones can only be located to within the nearest 50-300 metres – not very precise in a suburban neighbourhood.